Monday, April 21, 2014


Easter morning my 13 year old brother and I woke up at seven in the morning to look at our toys. My favorite thing that I got was my stuffed animal dog that has bunny ears and my Olaf note book and pen as well as my magnifying glasses. Also at my grandma and grandpas house I got a new shirt and new shorts, also I got a blank action figure that you could draw on and a dry erase board also a giant gummy bunny.

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Thorn

I went to The Thorn one day and it is a play about the lord. There were Demons and Angels everywhere. The person who was telling the story about all of this was one of the 12 disciples Thomas he is really funny. My favorite part of it was the scene were Jesus dies on the cross for our sins it mad me cry because I can imagine how much pain he was in. The whip he was whipted with had glass, bone,metal shaped like a hook. I really liked it it was a good experience it changed my life it was amazing.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Thorn

I went to The Thorn it is a play about the new world like Adam a Eve. I really liked it it was really fun there was fire, water